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3 Self Care Tips for Finals

Writer's picture: IYLIYL

This is by far the most stressful season of finals many students have experienced thus far. But, we can all make it through together! In this blog I will attempt to ease the pain of finals, group projects, and papers trying to crush your spirit. I think the most important thing though is to do your best with what you have, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you can’t meet your own expectations.

1. Sleep Schedule

At this point, if you don’t have a messed up sleep schedule in quarantine, I applaud you. If you are like the many of us though that have been waking up and not knowing if it is AM or PM, try to be a bit more consistent. As humans, we need sleep and our bodies function much more efficiently if we are getting a solid amount (around 7-9 hours) and stick to a consistent schedule. If you can’t wake up before 2 PM, that’s okay! Just try to make whenever you are sleeping, even going to bed at 6AM and waking up at 2PM is an improvement to being all over the place.

2. Go Outside

For the first week of quarantine, I literally did not see the outside for 7 days straight. When I tell you I immediately felt my spirits lift just sitting in the grass, I mean it. I’m not sure if it’s the vitamin D, sun, or just fresh air but it truly made a big difference in my motivation. It may seem silly but if you haven’t had the chance to get outside every day, just sit on your porch, open a window, or go for a quick walk! Seeing the outside world makes everything feel a little less crazy.

3. Full Belly

Food is one of the few things I look forward to every day now. It adds a sense of routine and security to my daily life and also is an immediate serotonin boost when I eat good food. Also, taking the time to learn new skills like cooking can give you a sense of accomplishment that you aren’t receiving from your online classes. So, get your chef’s hat on or order delivery from your favorite local restaurant (leave a great tip of course) to help motivate you to keep on working on during finals!

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